Strong, Reliable, Flexible. Zweva.
We mainly develop and produce products for Infrastructure and Underground purposes. However, we have a broad range of innovations in other fields.The Zweva Range

Access Chambers
Our designs have been derived from years of research into primary use and long-term performance of existing infrastructures. It is from this research that the “Z” TwinWall range was conceived.
“Z” Boxes are fit for purpose by design, they are structures in their own right and need no additional installation materials such as concrete to meet performance load classification B125 according to EN 124**. The range comprises Z1 to Z10 in sizes and depths to meet all of your pavement/sidewalk requirements.

Underground Closures

Watertight Boxes
A dual skin watertight structural product for placement alongside the cabinet and a single skin box where batteries can be place in the void in the base of a cabinet. These are further examples of Zweva providing engineered solutions to its customer’s problems.

Our Tanks are virtually indestructible with high stiffness and impact strength; they are corrosion resistant and maintenance free. Our Tanks are lightweight, easy to handle and therefore facilitate quick and easy, cost effective installation.

Custom Products.


Piqo Windmill


Contact us now for more information.
Zweva Engineering
Scheveningseweg 72
2517 KX Den Haag
The Netherlands
T +31 70 358 6984
F +31 70 358 6987